Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Enduring Faithfulness

"Though he had done so many signs before them, they still did not believe in him." John 12:37

We really are stupid people. In the midst of the Lord's daily faithfulness, we still doubt Him. We doubt His goodness. We doubt His sovereignty. Ultimately, we doubt His love which was proved to us on the Cross. If we really take a moment out of our busy lives and think about what the Lord has done. It will floor you. Think of all the ways the Lord has been faithful to you. He has been faithful to me time and time again. I've seen Him work in my life, and in the lives of the people around me over and over again. His goodness will never run out. We will experience trial. Guaranteed. But even in the midst of trial, He is in your corner. He is fighting for your side. He hasn't left you. He never will.

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